We recognize the work and are so grateful for the wisdom offered by the following sources.
We thank them for their contributions.
And special thanks to Chrystal Sunshine,
who co-authored the first iteration of this theme for SHIFT Book Box.
Suggested Additional Reading
Judah Touro Didn’t Want to be Famous (Ades & Mildenberger)
Lucky Broken Girl (Behar)
A Hat for Mrs. Goldman: A Story About Knitting & Love (Edwards & Karas)
No Steps Behind: Beate Sirota Gordon’s Battle for Women’s Rights in Japan (Gottesfeld & Witanto)
The Brothers’ Promise (Harber & Wickstrom)
Gershon's Monster: A Story for the Jewish New Year (Kimmel & Muth)
Sam and Charlie (and Sam Too!) (Kimmelman, Tambellini, & Owl)
Hershel and the Hanukkah Goblins (Kimmel & Hyman)
The Blessing Cup (Polocco)
Chit Chat Shabbat (Rockliff & Booker)
Doctor Esperanto and the Language of Hope (Rockliff & Dzierzawska)
Kibitzers & Fools: Tales My Zayda Told Me (Taback)
The All-of-a Kind Family Series (Taylor)
New Year at the Pier: A Rosh Hashanah Story (Wayland & Jorisch)
“5 Questions with Elizabeth Baddeley.” SCBWI METRO NY CHAPTER BLOG, https://scbwinymetro.wordpress.com/2014/10/07/5-questions-with-elizabeth-baddeley/. Accessed August 2020.
“Antisemitic Incidents Hit All-Time High in 2019.” ADL, 12 May 2020, https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/antisemitic-incidents-hit-all-time-high-in-2019. Accessed August 2020.
“Anti-Semitic Incidents Remained at Near-Historic Levels in 2018; Assaults Against Jews More Than Doubled.” Anti-Defamation League, 30 April 2019, https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/anti-semitic-incidents-remained-at-near-historic-levels-in-2018-assaults. Accessed September 2019.
“Author Talks About 'New Year at the Pier.'” PJ Library, Harold Grinspoon Foundation, https://pjlibrary.org/beyond-books/pjblog/september-2011/author-talks-about-new-year-at-the-pier. Accessed September 2019.
Baddeley, Elizabeth. “About.” Elizabeth Baddeley, http://ebaddeley.com/about-1. Accessed August 2020.
Brassell, Danny. “April Halprin Wayland.” YouTube, People Make a Difference, California State Dominquez Hills DHTV, 2 May 2011, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SYaUxZ1cuo&list=PLe0D1LUbiDwODwMbG-doFGBsrKKEVK16t&index=14&t=0s. Accessed September 2019.
Christensen, Samantha. "Stéphane Jorisch: Canada ★ Illustrator." Bookbird: A Journal of International Children's Literature, vol. 50 no. 2, 2012, pp. 17-17. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/bkb.2012.0073. Accessed September 2019.
Crimmins, Peter. “Celebrating ‘Notorious’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg at Philly Jewish Museum.” PBS WHYY, 4 October 2019, https://whyy.org/articles/celebrating-notorious-ruth-bader-ginsburg-at-philly-jewish-museum/. Accessed August 2020.
DreamWorldJam. “Patricia Polacco Shows the Keeping Quilt.” YouTube, DreamWorldJam, 26 June 2012, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkRkWoneKgY. Accessed September 2019.
Gilles, Carol, et al. “Talking about Books: Patricia Polacco.” Language Arts, vol. 75, no. 2, 1998, pp. 150–157. JSTOR, www.jstor.org/stable/41962042. Accessed September 2019.
Glassman, Molly Dunham. “Russian Folk Tales Retold for Children Ring True, Even if They Didn't Happen.” The Baltimore Sun, 8 October 2019, https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/bs-xpm-1993-10-08-1993281110-story.html. Accessed September 2019.
History.com Editors. “Pogroms.” History, 21 August 2018, https://www.history.com/topics/russia/pogroms. Accessed September 2019.
IHRA Committee on Antisemitism and Holocaust Denial. “Memo on Spelling of Antisemitism.” International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance, https://www.holocaustremembrance.com/sites/default/files/memo-on-spelling-of-antisemitism_final-1.pdf. Accessed September 2019.
Ingall, Marjorie. “The Best Jewish Children’s Books of 2017.” Tablet, https://www.tabletmag.com/jewish-life-and-religion/250994/best-jewish-childrens-books-2017. Accessed September 2019.
InterfaithFamily. “Symbols and Rituals: Tashlich: a Fun, Accessible Ceremony.” InterfaithFamily, https://www.interfaithfamily.com/holidays/rosh_hashanah_and_yom_kippur/tashlich/. Accessed September 2019.
“Interview with Illustrator Elizabeth Baddeley.” Sturdy for Common Things, http://www.sturdyforcommonthings.com/2014/04/interview-with-illustrator-elizabeth-baddeley/. Accessed August 2020.
Kaplan, Ariel. “Ruth Bader Ginsburg Is Our Hero — and Now She’s MTV’s, Too.” Kveller, 19 June 2019, https://www.kveller.com/ruth-bader-ginsburg-is-our-hero-and-now-shes-mtvs-too/. Accessed August 2020.
Koffsky, Ann. “Interview with Patricia Polacco.” Ann D. Koffsky: Children’s Book Author, Illustrator, and Speaker, 19 February 2019, https://annkoffsky.com/2014/02/19/interview-with-patricia-polacco-the-blessing-cup/. Accessed September 2019.
Levy, Debbie. “About Me.” Debbie Levy Books, http://debbielevybooks.com/about/#more_link. Accessed August 2020.
McDonald, Jennie. “Interview with Patricia Polacco.” Collaborative Circle Blog, Center for the Collaborative Classroom, https://www.collaborativeclassroom.org/blog/interview-patricia-polacco/. Accessed September 2019.
Ratzabi, Hila. “What Were Pogroms.” My Jewish Learning, https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/what-were-pogroms/. Accessed September 2019.
Schneider, Emily. “A Conversation with Children’s Author Debbie Levy.” Jewish Book Council, 25 February 2019, https://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/pb-daily/a-conversation-with-childrens-author-debbie-levy. Accessed August 2020.
“Seminar on Jewish Story | April Halprin Wayland, Children’s Book Author.” The Whole Megillah, https://thewholemegillah.wordpress.com/2014/04/22/seminar-on-jewish-story-april-halprin-wayland-childrens-book-author/. Accessed September 2019.
Silver, Linda. “Jewish Children’s Literature.” My Jewish Learning, https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/jewish-childrens-literature-3/. Accessed September 2019.
Silverman, Lisa. "Recommended Children’s Books About Little-Known Jewish Heroes." Jewish Journal, 12 June 2020, https://jewishjournal.com/culture/arts/books/317329/recommended-childrens-books-about-little-known-jewish-heroes/. Accessed August 2020.
“Stephane Jorisch- Illustrator.”Kids Can Press, https://www.kidscanpress.com/creators/stéphane-jorisch/106. Accessed September 2019.
“Transcript from an interview with Patricia Polacco.” Reading Rockets, https://www.readingrockets.org/books/interviews/polacco/transcript. Accessed September 2019.
Wayland, April Halprin. “About April.” Welcome to April’s World, http://www.aprilwayland.com/about-april/. Accessed September 2019.
Wayland, April Halprin. “How I Became a Teaching Author.” Teaching Authors: Six Children’s Authors Who Also Teach Writing. https://www.teachingauthors.com/p/about-us.html. Accessed September 2019.
“Q&A: Anti-Semitism is on the Rise in America. The Head of the Anti-Defamation League Explains Why.” Los Angeles Times, 1 Feb 2019, https://www.latimes.com/nation/la-na-jonathan-greenblatt-adl-20190201-story.html.